2024 NEET syllabus.
Physics | Chemisry | Biology |
1. Physics and Measurement | 1. Some basic concepts in Chemistry | 1. Diversity in Living World |
2. Kinematics | 2. Atomic Structure | 2. Structural Organisation in Animals and plants |
3. Laws of Motions | 3. Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure | 3. Cell structure and function |
4. Work, Energy and Power | 4. Chemical Thermodynamics | 4. Plant Physiology |
5. Rotational Motion | 5. Solutions | 5. Human Physiology |
6. Gravitation | 6. Equilibrium | 6. Reproduction |
7. Properties of Solids and Liquids | 7. Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry | 7. Genetics and Evolution |
8. Thermodynamics | 8. Chemical Kinetics | 8. Biology and Human welfare |
9. Kinetic Theory of Gases | 9. Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties (IC) | 9. Biotechnology and its Applications |
10. Oscillations and waves | 10. P-Block Elements | 10. Ecology and Environment |
11. Electrostatics | 11. d and f-block elements | |
12. Current Electricity | 12. Coordination Compounds | |
13. Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism | 13. Purification and Characterisation of Organic Compounds | |
14. Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents | 14. Some Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry | |
15. Electromagnetic Waves | 15. Hydrocarbons | |
16. Optics | 16. Organic Compounds Containing Halogens | |
17. Dual nature of matter and radiation | 17. Organic Compounds Containing Oxygen | |
18. Atoms and Nuclei | 18. Organic Compounds containing Nitrogen | |
19. Electronic Devices | 19. Biomolecules | |
20. Experimental Skills | 20. Principles related to practical chemistry |