Dear Students,
There is no alternative for class room teaching and learning system. No matter how strong or weak you are. Class room learning is the most proven method provided the teacher and students are able to travel in a same emotional, rational and above all cognitive process. Yes, in simple term both teacher and students need to have same mental wave length.
However, not all of you are having similar cognitive skills such as usage of brain, listening with attention, reading, learning, reasoning and remembering within a limited period in a class room. Some of you would require multiple explanations, practices with extra hard works. Meanwhile, the teachers are also pressed with limited timeline process to complete the portion which would ultimately put you in a much more stress and confusion. Meanwhile, you may not have elder’s support in your family. Eventually, you would choose the memorising option as the only method and start filling your brain with words and numbers without actually understanding the concept of the lesson. This method would work at lower classes, but not always in higher classes. The more you start filling the brain, the more you become fatigue and tired.
Easy Marks understood the cycle of routine memorising processes and developed a strong solution which will help both students and teaching community. We have developed the study contents which is not only simplifying the concept for easy understanding and also providing numerous question and answer papers for practices. Further, we connect the each lesson with previous lessons for a seamless understanding process. Also, we have added information from external resources to relate with practical life situation as much as possible.
Easy Marks is not a typical learning content making company as you might be observing or reading or viewing in online classes, YouTube channels, distance education programs and visual explanations from educational service providers and apps. We do not deliver a packaged format and let you to handle on your own. We provide the contents including visual explanations on weekly basis including as many as practice papers until you become perfect with that particular lesson. Don’t worry, you won’t take too much time with every lesson. This is where our simplified study contents gives you the excitement in learning and understanding.
The more you understand the lesson, the more you become relaxed. Further, you can also gather the questions to be clarified by our teachers in two distinctive communications. One is through what’s app group where you will be connecting with teachers 24/7. Other method is class-on-demand online classes to be conducted on weekly basis with your question and doubts.
We would travel along with you until you pass out the school stage.
Easy Marks is here to build your mind, not fill your mind.
Stay connect with us for more exciting learning tools.
Akbar Batcha
CEO & Project Director
Easy Marks
Maxvision Academy
Not all students are having similar cognitive skills such as usage of brain, listening with attention, reading, learning, reasoning and remembering within a limited period in a class room. Some of the students would require multiple explanations, practices with extra hard works. These students are generally classified as weaker students while average and top students would able understand the topic much easier. Meanwhile, the teachers are also pressed with limited timeline process to complete the portion which would ultimately put the weaker students in a much more stress and confusion.
Hi, looks interesting. Is it an alternative study method? Or along with text book learning?
Hi, Rajah, thanks for your questions.
It’s along with text book learning. Our contents are text book plus wider information related to the topic and concept. The reason we are adding more information is to prepare the students to face competitive and entrance exams after schooling.
this web site is very helpful to learn lesson easily . self reading gives interest to search meanings